Ground sail Intex standard 472 cm x 472 cm

20463 /media/images/producten/1680x1260/grond_intex-28048.jpg Ground sail Intex standard 472 cm x 472 cm INTEX-28048
We recommend that everyone use a ground sheet under the pool to protect the shell or liner from pebbles or tears when rubbing on the ground.
Model : INTEX-28048
Availability : 140
  • €19.00
€15.70 Excl. VAT

Ground sail Intex standard 472 cm x 472 cm

Bache for under Intex easy set pools and frame pools to protect the pool shell or liner.

Size 472 cm x 472 cm.

This is the smallest pool cover available from Intex, so it is used for all pools under 472 cm x 472 cm. If you find the cover too large for your pool, it is best to cut it.

For round pools, the cover is usually cut around the pool as well.
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